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22 de setembro de 2013

HF Antenna Project


After completion of assembling, profiting to  improve some mechanical details, specially in what concerns protection against elements and replacing boom-to-mast clamps by others specially made in SS and heavy duty (those which were coming with the antenna are equal to those of the elements and simply very weak, at sight),

The antenna was ready to go up. Ginpole (pipe 60 mm ext. Diameter,  6 m long which 2,5 m  outside of tower) with steel hoist (with two sheaves) was installed and fixed to the tower by special clamps...
Due to the fact that my , being triangular, with 70 cm side , 2 elements (S12, S20, S17) plus S10, wewre slided in the boom but out of final position to allow the boom 'slide' in the tower when raising. Boom to mast clamp and nearby areas were provisionally protected with one rubber mat to avoid deterioration.

Usual team was also ready: CT1EGW (Arlindo), CT1EEQ (Luis), CT1DIZ (Alex), my brother and me.

The weather was very hot (expected 34ºC in Lisbon) but wind speed nil, so...

Unexpectedly the unbalance was almost nil , even , instead, a little unbalance but of the front of the antenna ! Good news!
Also the force necessary to hoist it , was low and so low that one person could do it!, so everything was going smoothly , rising...

Suddenly one of the clamps attached to the ginpole slided and the whole set come down a couple of meters, fortunaley slowly but everybody was freezed under 34 ºC !!
Things were corrected and one additional winch was mounted , and the antenna rised again without problems perfectly stabilized, which is amazing...

and up to the top. To attach it to the mast, due to a slightly deviation between the ginpole and the mast, has given some work but the crew up there have lots of experience in similar situations, and finnally OB 13-6 was at the top without damages !

As soon as the antenna got there I've assembled my mobile station in the attic and also with one MFJ antenna analyzer SWR was checked all across all 6 bands and all FB!

Vy 73 de Luis, CT4NH